Solutions for need. Not a template based one fits all package.
E-Commerce Applications
eCommerce by definition is any business transaction performed online. Sales is the most important element in business. Therefore it is essential you have a secure, capable, and results-oriented system set in place for your online venture. IBCnet works in conjunction with our clients to find the most effective solution to promote, track, evaluate and manage sales online. By using dynamic applications we develop a solution that allows for secure and real time transactions through the World Wide Web. We use advanced programs to securely establish a seamless and smooth connection between your financial infrastructure, inventory system and online presence that allows for dependable and rapid B2B or B2C transactions via the Internet.
Database Integration
In order to get results, companies need to be efficient and move at the speed of today's modern world. To help our clients get results we often need to implement dynamic technology into a project. Dynamic refers to projects that incorporate database driven applications. These applications check legacy systems in order to present increased volumes of information at a more rapid rate. The economy is moving fast and to keep up industry needs to make the necessary changes and advancements. Implementing database technology through scripting languages and platforms, we are able to meet our client's needs and deliver a return on their investment.
Streaming Media
Streaming media is sound and/or video data packets that are transmitted over the Internet in a streaming or continuous fashion. Streaming media makes for a richer web experience and is proven to be one of the most effective means online to get people to retain your message. With the help of development partners such as Windows Media and RealNetworks, we create streaming media presentations that can be viewed almost instantaneously regardless of bandwidth constraints and can be easily integrated into your existing online presence.
Design - making it look good
IBCnet utilizes the latest in creative technology to design and develop cutting-edge Internet and multimedia projects. We specialize in creating visually stimulating front-end design that engage your customers and make your competitors jealous. After all, first impressions do count, and when it comes to the many choices offered by today's Internet, so do looks...
While it is important to make a site visually attractive, we never lose sight of the fact that every site must be easy to use and intuitive. Our team combines technology know-how, proven online strategies and artistic talent to make this happen. Your presence on the World Wide Web is a direct reflection of your company, so you have to put your best foot forward. To maximize the look and feel of a company's identity, we emphasizes the importance of effective, front-end design in all projects. We incorporate sound design principals that focus on ease of navigation, web site usability guidelines, and smart, clean content layout. We provide our clients a variety of concepts and directions and work hand in hand with them to produce an appropriate solution that exceeds industry standards.
Taking design and technology to the next level is exactly what we do through our multimedia services. The purpose of any presentation is to communicate a message or group of messages. Everything in your presentation should support the message you are trying to convey. Multimedia presentations combine 3-dimensional graphics, sound, text, animation, still images and digital video into one package. We can create exciting multimedia projects in most major languages and with a cornucopia of options to choose from. We provide this service for use on the Internet.
Our eBusiness solutions make online transactions happen safely and securely. IBCnet offers best breed of security management systems for eCommerce applications, policy enforcement and intrusion detection as well as consulting and educating our clients on offerings that significantly reduce the complexity and expense inherent in protecting online assets.
Our services provided with strong emphasis on business sense. We understand the importance of bottom line and return on investment and can help create a plan with acheiveable milestones to make our final goals realistic. To have one of our professional experienced teammate contact you, contact us!